The Road to Vineyard Membership

membership-brochure31Membership at the Vineyard Church of Greater Portland is about giving you the opportunity to be a part of this body of Christ. This process will allow you to experience who we are, how we function and understand our historyvaluesmission and vision. You will also gain a full understanding of our strategies and structure. The road to Vineyard membership is a one day course that is offered twice a year taking place on a Saturday from 9A-3P. It is ultimately designed to equip and teach you and allow you to understand what it means to be an integrated, full-functioning participant in our community of believers.


Check out our Get Connected page to sign up for the next Intersections class.


Route 101: Introduction to Vineyard Membership

Route-101-Sign1-150x150Welcome to Vineyard Membership. In this introductory phase you will gain an understanding of what makes VCGP a family of believers committed to one another in love. These two courses will enable you to become familiar and refreshed regarding the history of the Vineyard and our local story. Our DNA, beliefs, community-oriented philosophy, faith statements and functions will be revealed as you navigate through this section. Part of the introductory classes includes how we value one’s Christ-like character and how our lifestyles are important in living our lives for the Kingdom of God.



Route 201: A People for Christ

Route-201-Sign1-150x150Following Jesus as his disciple is modeled for us in the New Testament. In this portion of Intersections you will gain a complete understanding of what a disciple is and how we grow as a follower of Jesus Christ. Discovery of the importance of reading the Word, memorizing Scriptures and how we apply it to our lives will also be discussed. You will gain a full understanding of the types of prayer and how Jesus modeled this important practice through his life and ministry.



Route 301: A People for the Kingdom of God

Route-301-Sign1-150x150This section is devoted to exploring the topic of the Kingdom of God and the person and role of the Holy Spirit. While learning about the Kingdom of God you will get an understanding of it in terms of its impact in the “now” and “not-yet.” You will see how His kingdom breaks in today in various forms and understand how this build up our faith.    We will explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit and how we should continue being filled by him.  We will discuss how we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to impact lives for God’s Kingdom.



Route 401: A People for the World

Route-401-Sign1-150x150In this final segment of Intersections you will uncover how to partner in the mission of God and share your faith with others. We will discover our mission as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God and how we can be equipped and empowered to impact the people we connect with in all facets of our lives. You will see how your specific gifts and talents play an integral part in how you go about speaking to others about the love of Jesus. We will talk about the various steps of sharing our faith and offer best practices to assist you in reaching out to the world around you.

Sign up for the next Intersections Class BELOW