FOCUS: Vineyard Portland Missions



We are Partners who believe in:

“Doing together what none of us can do alone”


We are Participants who:

Stay informed
Go on short term trips
Give financially and sacrificially


We are Persist-ers understanding that:

Kingdom mission is characterized by persistence.

Helping others means engaging cross-culturally for as long as it takes to see God’s purpose fulfilled.

“The church exists by mission as fire exists by burning.” -Emil Brunner

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19 (NIV)



Hart Ministries

focus-hart-1Emelyn Hart, a graduate of our leadership institute e3 Portland, moved to Mozambique to work with Heidi Baker and Iris Ministries in Pemba. Having spent five years working with children in the Iris center orphanage Emelyn has transitioned to launching a community care program.

focus-hart-2Her heart is to see villages equipped and radically changed into sustainable communities capable of supporting children instead of sending them to centers for care. God has provided Emelyn with a piece of land and she intends to build a house making Mozambique her permanent home. We pray for Emelyn, give financial support and celebrate all that God is doing through her and Iris Ministries. For more information check out her blog and tumblr!


San Sebastian Vineyard

As our primary focus we partner in planting churches in San Sebastian and across the Basque region. We support the Rojas family who moved to Spain from Chile in 2001 and have been ministering in the greater San Sebastian area ever since.

Juan and Ruthy Rojas, together with their children Michelle, Daniela, Gabriel, and son-in-law Jericho, have a heart for the Basque people and a passion to plant churches in the Basque region in order to see lives transformed and the kingdom of God advanced. We support the work in Spain with intercessory prayer, finances and short term mission trips.


The San Sebastian Vineyard has both a website and a Facebook with more information about their church and mission.




Compassion International

Compassion International is a child-advocacy ministry that pairs compassionate people with those who are suffering from poverty. The ministry releases children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. The goal is for each child to become a responsible and fulfilled adult.

Compassion’s work has grown from modest beginnings in South Korea in 1952 when American evangelist Rev. Everett Swanson felt compelled to help 35 children orphaned by the Korean conflict. Today it is a worldwide ministry where millions of children are now reaping the benefits of one man’s clear, God-given vision.

Compassion. A movement. A calling. A cause. A people.

Compassion is global, reflecting the beautiful diversity of God’s kingdom.

Our Mission & Our Vision


As a church committed to active involvement in cross-cultural mission we:
  • Plant churches to advance the kingdom of God in the Basque Region of Spain.
  • Share God’s mercy and justice practically through Compassion First International
  • Support development of sustainable communities across Mozambique

Our Strategy

To facilitate our Mission we:

  • Commit to significant & sacrificial giving
  • Mobilize the entire local church
  • Partner with other churches and ministries
  • Provide prayer support and schedule “prayer gatherings”
  • Produce creative informational and promotional materials
  • Bring Missionaries to Maine
  • Actively engage in short term mission trips
  • Schedule “Mission Sundays”
  • Ensure regular pastoral visits to the missionaries we support
  • Develop teaching materials for equipping mission communities.
  • Provide effective “Mission updates”