Local 854 exists to share the good news of Jesus with the local community so that they can experience His love and grace in their lives. In partnership with community leaders we also strive to meet the real needs of our local community through events, needs, project and parachurch based outreaches. We believe we have #onelifetoserve and we want to bless and serve our local community in the hopes to draw people to Jesus through connection and community building. This is our Local 854 mission and vision:
To share the good news of Jesus Christ with our local community and to partner with Him to meet the real needs and serve our community through connection.
Serving the needs of our local community with passion and purpose
The Connection and Building Process
Our vision is to establish a connection and building process. Connecting and building is the primary way in which Local 854 shares the good news of Jesus with our local community. Connecting with our community by implementing a vast array of outreach strategies allows us to build relationships with our local community. The more our community sees us actively participating in meeting the needs of people the more they will understand that this is the heart of Jesus.
Local 854 is designed to meet the specific and general needs of our local communities while at the same time building relationships with the community and its leaders through service and sacrifice. We want to be a light to our community to display the unconditional love and compassion of Jesus. We have been called to serve others and to provide for our neighbors and to be a true blessing to the local community. Local 854 strives to share the love of Jesus with our community by serving them in every way we can. If you would like to know more about our upcoming events or to serve in one of our local community outreaches, contact Chad Perreault @ chad@vineyardportland.org
Looking for more information? Looking to sign up for this ministry? Follow this link to the Get Involved Form!