W E L C O M E !

Raising children of God is our vision as parents. Reaching our children morals and social skills within a Christian-based curriculum is our mission. Providing our children with a safe and loving learning environment will equip them with the self-confidence and respect for self and others that defines us as Christians.

As a Christian homeschool co-op, we invite the Holy Spirit to guide us as we teach and learn to accept the gifts of wisdom, understanding, right judgment, reverence, and wonder and awe of God! Open to receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, our homeschooling families will be equipped for the work God has called them to do.



Ground Rules

  • Respectfulness. We ask that all participants respect one another and the space that is being provided
  • Behavior. We ask that all participants use appropriate behavior. We will work with you and your child(ren) to solve intermittent behavior issues. However, for ongoing disruptive behaviors we reserve the right, at our discretion, to deny your child(ren) the ability to continue attending the Vineyard Church Greater Portland Co-Op.
  • Timeliness. We ask that all participants arrive on time (9am) or as early as 8:50am to being a full day of learning.
  • Being Prepared. We ask that all participants arrive with a lunch and snack packed, notebook, Gather Round workbook and writing utensils.

Structure and Policies

  • Schedule. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9am to 1pm. All Wednesdays will be family enrichment day, learning outside of the four walls.
  • Wellness/Sickness. If you or your child(ren) are not well, we ask that you please stay home. We ask that we all have some level of tolerance for the occasional cold/runny nose. But we ask that if you or your child(ren) are running a fever to please STAY HOME
    • We ask that any allergy, food related or not, be brought to our attention for the safety of that particular child.




  • Digital Technology. This co-op will be mostly digital free. Occasional music or educational video may be played. We ask that you do not bring in digital devices as this is not the base of our co-op
  • Loosely based Gather Round Curriculum. The core of our co-op is Christian based. We ask parents to purchase not only the student workbook, but also the teacher’s guide to be able to stay on track with the group.
  • Days off/class cancelations. We understand life happens. We ask that you text or call either Lori Gower (207) 632-1255 or Jaime Vallee (207)240-9864.
  • Parent Ultimate Responsibility for Education. Every parent is responsible for their own child(ren)’s education, as is always the case in homeschooling. Parents are responsible to file the appropriate letters of intent and any other homeschool documentation as required by the state of Maine. Parents are responsible to have their own child(ren)’s annual assessment completed by a certified teacher, or test-out, according to Maine law, at the conclusion of the school year.
  • Lawfulness. Our co-op abides by all applicable federal and state laws and will not allow unlawful activities to be conducted on our property.


Want to be a part of the VCGP Homeschool Co-op?

If you’re interested in becoming a part of our homeschool co-op please fill out our release form below. It can be found just below. Please fill it out and bring it with you to our next meeting!

—->>  VCGP co-op waiver